Saturday, June 24, 2006

Way to ruin my week, guys!

O.K. Deep breaths now. I can deal with this.
If you ever decide to use PODS or any of the other companies that bring you a box to store or move stuff make sure to follow behind them and check their work.
A POD was supposed to be delivered today. I'm moving out, people will be doing construction, a wall will be missing so that anyone and their dog can come in and take stuff - it's best for all if my stuff isn't here during all that. But 15 minutes before they show up I get a call asking if I got a permit.
"No," I say "the website said no permit was needed."
"The website lied."
Ok, if I had a driveway everything would be fine. If I didn't have that fence... or that tree, we could probably swing that, too. But I needed it put in the streetside parking. I roped it off, he had plenty of room, and then I got the call. No permit, no POD.
"Where do I get a permit?"
"The police should know who to talk to to get your permit."
Google was able to point me in the right direction. Deparment of Transportation could do it. But you have to call between 7 and 7 M-F otherwise you get emergency services.
Come monday I can call them up and ask what I need, get that, show up at the office, learn they lied to me, learn what ELSE I need, get that, return, rinse and repeat. And if I'm fast and the city bureaucracy moves swiftly I can get it in a day or two. Then I can call up PODS and schedule another delivery, block off the parking, move out, and still be ready to catch a plane by this time next saturday.
Pshaw! What am I smoking? The humidity and Citronella fumes are getting to me. Swiftly moving bureaucracy? Getting PODS to make a quick delivery? When I placed my order they were booked for two weeks. He said he's in DC all the time and might squeeze me in, but I heard the guy on his radio. The people in the office don't do friendly or cooperative. And you know I'd be doing all the moving in 90/90 heat/humidity. Ok, the heat was a given either way, but I had heat and a week before. Now I'd have heat and, in an ideal world, all of two days.

After talking to the contractor some more he informs me that if the physical laws of the universe allow everything to fit in my bedroom I can move everything valuable in there and lock that. Well I say "foo" to your physical laws! "FOO" I say! I have the death warrant in three lesser physical dimensions and a few fines that need paid in this one.


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