Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Road trip recap
Typically the trip takes 21 hours. But I'm getting old and my eyes aren't what they used to be. She was to take the daylight hours and I the night. But around midnight (hour 14) my eyes started to rebel. I wasn't tired exactly. My eyes had just had all the stress they could take. I asked if we could swap back for an hour and she gave me an hour and a half. We swapped back and forth several more times but on the other side of Kansas City (3 hours to home) we both gave out. But this allowed us to drive through the Flint Hills in the morning light. The total trip out came to about 26 hours.
It was 11° outside when we got to my parent's place, up from 6° when we entered Kansas.
Over the next week I proceeded to drag Yummy all over creation and introduce her to everyone in the general area of creation. We toured the farm in 17° weather. She killed the battery pretty quick which ensures that she must stick with me at least long enough for another photo safari to Kansas.
Yummy got to find out just how good her new winter gear really is. She got to understand why I want to put some coveralls in her trunk.
I took her to have lunch with Grandma. I took her to take Grammie from the nursing home for ice cream with Oreos at Wendy's. I took her to meet some friends who were in from Texas. We drank wine and played 4 hours of "Eurorails" with my brother before realizing that we were still 2 hours away from an end to the game. She survived Dougmas with the majority of the Wise clan (21 people in Mom and Dad's place). She was made balloon animals by another friend in town from Oklahoma. I took her to have lunch with the ex-girlfriend who she really got along with and did no eye scratching with. The ex-gf's awesome new house helped the conversation along. It really is awesome. We ended the trip by crashing with some friends up in Kansas City who through a little "Ibid's in Town" party.
Her first night with the family Yummy got a lesson in how grain elevators tend to explode from time to time. Specifically she learned about this one.
View Larger Map
We tore around the pasture on a 4-wheeler where we stirred up several deer, two quite close, saw an owl in flight, walked on a frozen pond, and nearly ran over a jackrabbit who was a bit too good at standing still. One of the farm dogs rode on the back of the 4-wheeler huddled up next to Yummy.
We took an axe to the ~6" of ice covering the horse tank. There's no horses out, but the goldfish in the tank needed air.
On that night in Kansas City Yummy learned what happens when it's 70° in December in Kansas. Power was lost and some rather tornado like sounds were made outside. Yummy didn't wake to the thunder and wind. She woke when the ceiling fan shut off.
Then we drove back. Coyotes waited in a field in Missouri to finish off the midwest's showing off.
We had a 3 hour lead since we left from Kansas City. Even so, there came a point where Yummy no longer felt confident with me driving and we found a nice parking lot to nap in. Two weather fronts collided over us and moved with us as we made our way east. Eventually, she got us ahead of the storm and it chased us the rest of the way back.
For Yummy's account of the trip go to
I'm home with a cold today. I assure you, when I can get these pictures off my camera I'll let you know how I made out for Dougmas. Let me just say that Yummy loves her some gift giving and she's very good at it.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Movie review: Bolt
"Bolt" is the story of a dog with a TV show only he doesn't know he has a show. All the cameras and equipment are hidden. So each week when the little girl who owns him gets in trouble he thinks she's really in trouble. When he uses his super powers the special effects are already placed so he thinks he really has powers. But in an effort to up the ratings Bolt fails to save the girl by the end of the episode. He thinks she's still in trouble. So he escapes from his trailer and goes off to save her.
He heads out without his powers where he must cross the country (why he's in a trailer in New York while the filming is in California is never properly explained) with a feral cat and a fan boy hamster.
It's a pretty good movie. Yummy sat next to me all hunkered down and giggling madly through most of it. She loved how the pigeons move like real pigeons and the completely daft fan boy hamster.
There is something about the movie that bothers me. You probably know that a couple of years ago Disney paid Pixar to take control of their animation division. The trailers for "Up!" show the Pixar name which indicates to me that Pixar will remain it's own name within the Disney company. "Bolt" has a Pixar short before the main movie. But "Bolt" is NOT a Pixar movie. John Lasseter is the head of Pixar and was the Executive Producer for "Bolt" which explains why "Bolt" is a good movie even though Disney made it. John Ratzenberger didn't do any voices even though he's been something in every Pixar movie so far. But the posters for "Bolt" don't advertise the names of the actors doing the voices which is another Pixar trait.
None of this really matters, of course. I should be happy just because the movie was good. But I'd like to know more about Pixar's role within Disney. Because Pixar only makes good movies. I only saw "Cars" because it was a Pixar movie and I had faith that they would make the movie good despite the lame trailers. If "Bolt" had a similar mark I would have seen it sooner. Should I start having faith in both the Pixar/Disney and plain Disney movies?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday Links: Dec 26
Buried on the Sci-Fi Channel website that I check from time to time. They used to regularly publish short stories on the site. [link]
No, no it's good stuff. I particularly like "A Wind is Rising" [link]
Speaking of the lost dark reaches of you should check out the ruins of "City of Dreams". Audio shows written by J. Michael Straczynski. [link]
It used to be part of "Seeing Ear Theatre" but the main site is gone now.
After yesterday's Doctor Who fanboy explosion I'd be remiss not to post this Dr. Who short story. [link]
The Fail Blog. A blog about various things that have gotten screwed up. [link]
Cake Wrecks. A fail blog with cakes as a specialty. [link]
The Daily WTF. A fail blog with IT as a specialty. [link]
Bad Astronomy. A science and debunking blog by Phil Plait. [link]
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Doctor Who
If you'll pardon me, I'm about to stuff 4 years of fan boy freakout into one long blathering essay.
Ok, so I'm a bit obsessed with Doctor Who. It's simply one of the best shows ever. Even back in the good old Tom Baker days when they spent more on tea than on special effects the stories were good enough to make you hide behind the couch. You're doing something right if you can make people want to hide from what are basically giant pepper shakers.
The original show ran from 1963 until 1989. When it finally went it deserved to go. The writing was awful. Many people, including me, blamed the actors. But a few years back someone started making new Doctor Who audio programs starring the last four actors to play The Doctor. They're good. They're actually really good. So the blame lies wholly on the writers.
Fox tried to bring the show back when I was in college. It didn't work. There are some shows that need the American touch and some shows that only the British can do right. I wouldn't trust the Americans to do any Discworld adaptations. They did a lame enough job on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". NBC slaughtered the show "Coupling" even using the exact same script.
But, again, it's not the actor's fault. Go watch "Shada" at It was written by Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, back when he was a script editor for Doctor Who but they stopped half way through filming and never got back to it. Paul McGann's Doctor makes a great substitute for Tom Baker's Doctor.
Four years ago they brought the show back. For 14 Saturdays each year I flop in front of the computer and start downloading the episode that aired in England just an few hours before. I justify this piracy by making sure to buy the DVDs on the release date and using them in history lessons for the neighbor kids.
Each season had a meme that carried through each season. "Bad Wolf" in season 1. "Torchwood" in season 2. "Mr. Saxon" in season 3. They brought back the Daleks in a few different ways. They brought back the Cybermen. They brought back The Master. They brought back the Sontarans. And, so help me, I jumped about with delight each time. I was positively giddy when they had the big Dalek/Cyberman fight that we'd been waiting for since 1963.
"Not bad for a man in his jim jams. Very Arthur Dent. Now there was a nice man."
Arthur Dent, of course, one of the central character in "HHGTTG". They also named an episode "42" after the meaning of life, the universe, and everything as told by the same book. And in the episode I just finished watching they had Richard Dawkins talking about some new planets in the sky. Adams was a big fan of Dawkins and the two eventually became friends. Adams introduced Dawkins to his future wife, Lalla Ward. Lalla Ward also played Romana, one of The Doctor's companions back when Adams was working on the show. So the Dawkins reference works a couple of ways.
Two shows have spun off from Doctor Who. "Torchwood" is a bit more adult and stars Captain Jack Harkness who heads a top secret organization to collect, study, and develop alien artifacts that fall to Earth. "Sarah Jane Adventures" is a kids show starring a former companion from the late 70's-early 80's who made a guest appearance in season 2. I've seen about an episode and a half of the latter.
Really, how often is the changing of Executive Producers for a show something that makes the news? Never! Never but now. But this has been mentioned in lots of mainstream news outlets.
There will be 5 Doctor Who specials in 2009 and season 5 will start in 2010. The new Executive Producer will be Steven Moffat. Moffat was the creator and sole writer for the show "Coupling" I mentioned earlier. Brilliantly funny. "Coupling" referenced Doctor Who and the use of sofas as defense against Daleks several times. And he's been writing for the new show since season 1. It doesn't take a lot of arguing to say he's done the best, scariest, and most Doctor Whoish episodes so far. Even as a 30 year old he's managed to make me consider the back of the couch for a hiding place again.
And, as I mentioned recently, he's trying to get novelist, comic book author, and movie writer Neil Gaiman to sign on as a writer for season 5. It has been mentioned that Gaiman's episode of "Babylon 5" wasn't really "Babylon 5ish" but it was good if you don't look at it in terms of the show it was part of. But we still look forward to seeing what he produces.
The episode I just finished watching was part 1 of Davies 2 part farewell. In it we have not only The Doctor but his three companions since the show returned: Rose, Martha, and Donna; the remaining "Torchwood" cast; Sarah Jane Smith; the long discussed Shadow Proclamation; the oft mentioned Medusa Cascade; more Daleks; and...DAVROS!
I know! (squeel!)
If you haven't been watching then here's what you need to NetFlix and in this order.
Doctor Who: Season 1
Doctor Who: Season 2
Torchwood: Season 1
Doctor Who: Season 3
Torchwood: Season 2
Doctor Who: Season 4
and if you can get a copy of the Tom Baker years of Doctor Who it wouldn't hurt.

I actually wrote this near the end of season 4. The DVD for season 4 is now available for sale. I told it to post today because today is a special occasion. Ok, yes, Christmas and all that. Feh. No, today's the day the Dr. Who Christmas Special comes on. I WILL be downloading it as soon as I get back to DC.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Christmas Haiku
Blood blood blood blood blood.
Blood blood, blood, blood-blood blood blood
Blood ho ho ho blood.
I've never been very good at haikus.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Carols For The Psychiatrically Challenged
Christmas Carols For The Psychiatrically Challenged!
Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?
Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Queens Disoriented Are
Amnesia --- I Don't Know if I'll be Home for Christmas
Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and Fire Hydrants and ...
Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me
Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
Personality Disorder --- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll tell You Why
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ---Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells ...
Agoraphobia --- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn't Leave My House
Autistic --- Jingle Bell Rock and Rock and Rock and Rock ...
Senile Dementia --- Walking in a Winter Wonderland Miles From My House in My Slippers and Robe
Oppositional Defiant Disorder --- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I Burned Down the House
Social Anxiety Disorder --- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas While I Sit Here and Hyperventilate
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas week
I'm still hoping to have that last day filled before I go.
Friday Links: Dec 19
One thing he doesn't do is pour boiling water in the bottle. This causes it to shrink and get thicker. Put the cap on while the plastic is still soft so it doesn't bend out of shape. Once it cools you have a very durable water bottle.
When I talked about the Dougmas Jar some people wondered why I dislike the Salvation Army. Here's part of the reason. They're forbidding one of their leadership from marrying a non-member. [link]
Expensive gift ideas. [link]
5 comic book heroes that made a real world difference. [link]
Professional liquid cooled computer. [link]
This chair says "I'm the guy in charge". [link]
The singing group "Straight No Chaser" singing their take on "The 12 Days of Christmas".
An addition to the Pro column in the argument for forced sterilization. [link]
The homes of the people who are supposed to get us out of the housing mess. [link]
A list of common misconceptions. [link]
Idiot thief claims to have been held prisoner by a ghost for 3 days. [link]
Brain scan can start reading images in your mind. [link]
Finally, a working reconstruction of the Antikythera mechanism. [link]
Detroit newspapers to cut home delivery to alternate days. [link]
Vertical farms. [link]
slideshow [link]
Looks like they actually are making a Wolverine movie.
And possibly the most useful link of the week is a site that plots the route of your trip and tells you the weather you can expect as you travel. [link]
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Quick and easy snowflake

Don't print that. It's the wrong size. Well, I suppose you can do this with any size square. I really wanted to spend more time on the graphics, but ... you don't wanna hear it.
Don't print it, but use it as a guide. What you want are six (6) squares of paper. I tend to take regular white printer paper, turn the top sheet 90° to the other 5, mark the edges, and cut. Another solution is to just fold the paper at a 45° angle so the top edge meets the side, mark the edge, and cut, but that does tend to leave one with a crease which we don't want for this project.
Now, you can see in the graphic that you need to make four (4) cuts while leaving the middle intact. They don't have to be exactly where mine are, just try to make them consistent across all six (6) sheets.
Now bring the upper case A toward you to meet the other upper case A and attach them. Tape, stapler, glue, you decide how.
Do the same thing with the lowercase b and the other lower case B only bend them away from you.
And then bring the two upper case Cs toward you, meet them up, and attach.
Repeat this with the other five (5) sheets of paper.
Now, take three of the reformed sheets and press the upper case Ds together. The As from one sheet should be touching the Bs from the next. Fasten the Ds together however you like. I'm fond of staplers, myself.
Repeat with the other three (3) sheets.
You now have two nearly identical half snow flakes. Put the bound Ds from one against the bound Ds from the other and attach.
If you want to call that done you can. Sometimes I find it necessary to bind the As from one sheet to the Bs of the next just for structural stability. It's up to you.
The picture (below) shows the one I made for the office. I hung it from the ceiling so it dangled just above the tree. You can also take another sheet of paper, twist it into a cone, and fasten it to the snowflake (you figure out where) and put the top of the tree in the cone.

The eyes are courtesy of Scott Kurtz of
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Is there a Santa Claus?
Generally when you see someone talking about the origins of Santa Clause you read about the Christian development. There's the sainted Bishop Nicholas, an orphan from the 4th century who paid the dowries of some girls so they wouldn't have to become prostitutes and who tossed gifts in the windows of poor children.
The Dutch also had Sinter Klaus who rode a white horse to deliver gifts.
On a rare occasion you'll hear mention of Santa's Norse frost giant past. This is related to the fact that Sinter Klaus was also a Norse name for Thor.
Thor was the god of the peasants. He was depicted as round, jolly, and elderly with a long white beard. He wore lots of red and his element was fire. Each fireplace was a sort of temple to him. He rode a chariot drawn by two white goats named Cracker and Gnasher. He lived in the north among the icebergs. He would come to the houses of the poor during the Yule season through the fires in their fireplaces and bring gifts.
We all know about Thor's hammer. The hammer was a weapon but as the tool of a carpenter it's also a symbol of creation. Like Santa, Thor had an army of elven helpers who were also skilled craftsmen. They're the ones who made Thor's hammer.
Thor's father may also have been drawn upon for the Santa myth. Odin rode an 8 legged horse named Sleipnir. That might have translated into something a bit less freaky. Some like 8 tiny reindeer. Odin lived in Valhalla (which translates as the North) and rode around during the winter solstice bringing gifts to the good children and punishing the bad.
In Sweden today Thor represents Santa Claus.
As paganism and Christianity collided Thor and Christ did, too. I can't find any specific tales but there are several references to their conflict. Much like how the Greek god Lucifer (a.k.a. Morningstar, a.k.a. the planet Venus) survives as a fallen angel (but not Satan) that Thor may have fallen to the role of Satan himself.
Let me try that from another direction. European versions of St. Nick are often accompanied by a demonic figure. You'll often hear about the Krampus1 who accompanies the saint. While St Nick brings gifts to good children the Krampus remains chained at his side and under the control of the Christian figure. The demonic figure, whatever his name, variably whips, eats, or enslaves bad children. One of the names of this figure is Black Peter which is another name for Satan. Sometimes Satan is said to use the name Robin Goodfellow and laugh "Ho, Ho, Ho." Satan also uses the name Nick, as in St. Nick, so take all this stuff about names as you will.
The point being, that as Thor lost the culture war he seems to have been relegated to the monster servant role while the gift bringer role was usurped by a saint. Many pictures of St. Nick show him wearing a crown of holly. It's suspected that the crown of thorns worn put on Jesus' head at the crucifixion was a prickly holly wreath instead of the thorny vines of unknown species that are often shown.
I'm not expecting to convince anyone of anything. I think that the American Santa is based more on Thor than on the 4th century bishop. Not that it really matters. If you'll permit me to switch to a different category of geek for a moment I want to quote Worf from "Star Trek: Deep Space 9". He overheard the Doctor and the Chief Engineer fighting about the Alamo and how Davy Crockett died.
You are both wrong. The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Davy Crockett or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that he died a hero's death. If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man, and it does not matter how he died.
Similarly, it doesn't matter where the Santa mythology originated. What matters is the legend. What matters is what he's been made into. What he's been made into is the Santa I believe in.
After all of the parallels I mentioned before I also want to note that Jesus was a bearded carpenter who rode a donkey and that Buddha is a pretty jolly fat man, too. Mythologies interbreed a lot.
Before you go. Enjoy this Krampus puppet.
1 Knecht Rupprecht; Pelznickle; Ru-Klas; Swarthy; Dark One; Dark Helper; Black Peter; Hans Trapp; Krampus; Grampus; Zwarte Piets; Furry Nicholas; Rough Nicholas; Schimmelreiter; Klapperbock; Julebuk; etc.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
One of the most familiar is that of the Zoroastrian god Mithra.
Mitra: proto-Indo-Iranian - composed of "mi" meaning "to bind" and "tra" meaning "causing to". Means "that which causes binding, covenant, contract, oath". Origin of the name "Mithra".
Mithra was called "the good shepherd,” "the way, the truth and the light,” “redeemer of souls,” “savior,” and “Messiah." He was identified with both the lion and the lamb. He was considered the life giver, the mediator, the source of grace. His name was Love.
Mithra was born to a virgin mother and was considered both human and divine. He was born in a cave and was attended by shepherds and magi led there by a falling star. In the catacombs of Rome lies a relic showing Mithra resting in the lap of his virgin mother.
He was a traveling teacher with twelve disciples. One for each house of the zodiac.
In the spring he sacrificed himself for the world, was buried in a tomb, and after three days rose from the dead. This is known as the passover of the Magi.
Before the passover Mithra held a "Lord's Supper" at which he said, "He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved."
He was one of a trinity of deities that included the good Ahriman and the evil Ormuzd. Mithra was the moderator.
His followers took Sunday as sacred. They acknowledge a heaven, home of the beautiful ones, situated in the upper regions and a hell, home of demons, in the bowels of the Earth. They believe in a flood near the beginning of time, the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the dead, the last supper, and a war at the end of the universe.
All this from 600 years before the birth of Jesus.
p.s. In "Lord of the Rings" there's a super hard metal named Mithril that's incredibly valuable. Bilbo Baggins and then Frodo had a vest made of this that saved him repeatedly.
In the same series the wizard Gandolf was also know as Mithrandir.
The names of both the metal and the wizard have their origins in the god Mithra.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Movie Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still
But I still planned to see the movie. Right up until I read this.
It's a collection of reviews from most any significant reviewer you may have heard of. Even the good reviews say it makes them pine for "Mystery Science Theatre 3000".
Part of me still wants to see it. It's been so long since anything has come out that holds any interest for me. I've seen 3 movies since July: "Igor", "Quantum of Solace", and "Twilight". You know I only saw "Twilight" because I'm dating. Damn it, this movie was supposed to not suck.
See, I don't believe in supporting bad movies and bad corporations. I don't shop at Wal-Mart since I don't like them forcing their vendors to move to China. I don't shop at Amazon since I don't like them patenting stuff they didn't invent. This movie is awful but I still want to see it. Think it'll be in the dollar theaters by Christmas? Sure, there's not one around here, but there are some out in Kansas.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Links supplemental
Enter your starting point, ending point, and when you plan to go. This site will give you forecasts for the trip. It's limited to 6 days in advance.
Friday Links: Dec 12
I want one. Buy me it! [link]
Jones' Big Ass Truck Rental & Storage
10 Fun(?) Facts About Charles Darwin. [link]
A video showing Lockheed Martin testing their new missile killing robot. [link]
A get out Armageddon free card. [link]
Lameness in Star Wars canon. [link]
I just finished watching "Jericho". It was a show about a small town after nukes destroy 23 major American cities. It ended long before the storyline was over, but it still stopped in a good place. The whole run is available on CBS's website. [link]
The 10 least successful holiday specials of all time. [link]
A crocheted Beholder. [link]
Blocks for your little mad scientist. [link]
Jon Stewart beats up Mike Huckabee with his own words. [link]
The truth of the auto maker bailout. [link]
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A thank you
Utility closet

The duct guy should be out in a day or two to replace the ducts upstairs. And I'll soon buy new doors for the utility closet. The old doors had no ventilation slats so they were useless and are long gone.
The water heater is a gas powered, electric ignition, tankless system. It heats 3 gallons per minute. I went with this partially to free up some space but largely because with a hot water tank you have to keep reheating the water and wasting energy.
The shower had an odd smell. Not bad. Just different than before.
Now that the old water tank is out of the way it turns out there's some storage I didn't know about at the very foot of the stairs.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Help out a friend of a guy you read
Please go to, go down the right side and vote for "Make Every Moment Count". If it says you already voted then you'll have to create an account. I'm assuming that you have a dedicated spam address.
You can see another one of his videos on his site.
Technical aid for bloggers
It's fairly easy to embed video in your page. You go to YouTube, find your video, and copy/paste the contents of the "Embed" field on the right to your site. But you don't necessarily want to show the whole video. For example, I want to share a video of John Barrowman (Capt. Jack Harness from Dr. Who and Torchwood) singing "Sunset Boulevard" on the show "Sound of Musicals". But the video YouTube includes John and Andrew Lloyd Webber blathering on. I want to cut straight to the song.
Here's what you'd get from YouTube
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
But if you add in a short code in a couple of places you can control where it starts.
Add "&start=78" or something similar to the value.
Let me explain.
The ampersand separates variables in the string. So you'll need that to separate the "start" command from the other variables. Without that you'll only turn another variable into hash.
The number is where you want the video to start in seconds. I my case the music starts at 1:18 so I put in 781.
So what you'll get is
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
So you end up with this.
1 Do I really need to explain that's 60 seconds for the first minute plus 18 seconds into the second minute?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
My list includes:
* The Solar Electric Light Fund (
* Trees for the Future (
And for Douglas Adams:
* The Dian Fossey Gorilla Foundation (
* Save the Rhino (
But I've seen quite a few other worthwhile charities come up lately.
Awesome writer John Scalzi is helping a friend and fellow sci-fi writer, Vera Nazarian, save her home. Health problems, sick parents, legal problems, and (say it with me) a subprime loan are making it look like she may lose her home. So far they've raise a bit more than half of the $11,229.72 she needs.
More here.
John Scalzi is donating a short story. The story is free but if you like it you can contribute via Paypal. By contributing via Scalzi Subterranian Press will match your donation up to the first $1,000 donated for Scalzi's story.
You can see how to donate and read the story here.
You can see what others are doing to raise money here.
p.s. Between my writing of this yesterday morning and close of business yesterday Scalzi had raised $2,058.48 not including the matching $1,000 from Subterranian Press. The collective charities have ensured that she can keep the house. Additional money will help cover the $2800 sewer repair bill or the mounting medical bills of her parents. This Christmas you can be thankful that you're not her.
The child of a couple of astrophysicists at Oxford has leukemia. He's had 4 years of chemotherapy and a couple of bone marrow transplants. Now he's down to a new antibody treatment. To raise money his parents are selling prints taken from the Palomar All-Sky Survey done in the 1950s. You can pay through Paypal which makes the conversion from dollars to pounds.
You can order from here.
Techskeptic has created a list of athiest and secular charities. link
Monday, December 08, 2008
Rerun: Santa Clause
I believe in Santa Claus. I stopped believing years ago when my parents left a letter to Santa that had been mailed out sitting on the dining room table. But I recently saw "The Hogfather". You remember. I reviewed it recently. I didn't? But I could have sworn. Anyway, it's good. Download it from iTunes or wait to get the DVD this Easter.
At the end there's a bit about why it's important that kids believe in the Hogfather. I saw it in the book, but it didn't click quite as well then. Some books are better audio books, some are better read, some are better as movies. But I'm getting off my subject. It's like let me quote from the book.
A conversation between Susan and Death:
'You're saying humans need... fantasies to make life bearable.'
'Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little-'
'So we can believe the big ones?'
'They're not the same at all!'
'Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point-'
She tried to assemble her thoughts.
'Yes, but people don't think about that,' said Susan. Somewhere there was a bed...
'You make us sound mad,' said Susan. A nice warm bed...
Now, you can have your Jesus, your Allah, your Vishnu, Ra, Buddha, Odin, and Zeus but in the end we know deep down they are no more real than Captain Kirk. That's right. None of those gods exist outside stories. Neither do truth, justice, fairness, mercy, duty, a chili place that can do a proper bowl of chili, or any sort of human rights. Hurricanes don't recognize the right to life. Tornadoes don't recognize any fairness in who they strike. It's the belief in these things that's important. We create the illusion of these ideals because we need them to Be. It's important that we believe in them so that we'll struggle to keep them safe.
Santa is "My First Belief System". You know, for kids. It's the first imaginary thing they believe in. It's practice so that someday they'll be able to believe in truth, justice, and the basic rights of all mankind.
Santa is the model for what we want our kids to become. Happy, generous, well fed, and with super powers.
We should all get our ideal body image from Santa instead of Barbie.
He threatens to withhold gifts from bad boys and girls, but he also shows nearly total forgiveness for their sins because he almost always comes through with the gifts in the end.
And since it's still acceptable not to believe in him nobody has yet killed in his name. How many other deities can claim the same?
I know Santa isn't real, but I'm going to believe in him anyway.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Links Friday: 5 Dec
"The Electric Company" returns in January. [link]
If you're buying someone a telescope for Dougmas read this first. [link]
Dec 25 cards. [link] [link] [link]
How to build a Flintstones car. [link]
Hubble Telescope Advent Calendar (check daily) [link]
Crabs own this island
One solution to the looming energy shortage is to make smart appliances. Power demand spikes at certain parts of the day and slacks off at others. It would help to shift the demand from peak times to slack times. Typically advocates mean plug-in hybrids that wait to charge until after most people are in bed. These appliances would communicate with the electric company to know when is best for them. Your bill would even reflect this by charging less for off peak usage.
Here's a smart fridge that doesn't live up to what I describe above but is a start. [link]
Supersonic booms to calm a hurricane? [link]
For the Jewish Star Wars fan. [link]
500 years of board games. [link]
This black Christian woman is OK with slavery. [link]
World of Warcraft does "Who's On First". [link]
40 best TV show themes of all time. [link]
Even if you skip the rest you want to hear number 7
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Santa's House Elves
Oh, she punked out :) She was afraid Santa would get angry. I told her he wouldn't, but if she didn't want to ask, that was fine. I did ask her if it was still on her mind, but she said she figured they always looked so happy, they probably got a lot of vacation, which meant they weren't slaves, since slaves probably don't ever get vacation. Kid's astute. Regardless, the concept is still quite worthy of socking away as a good scene for a script or one-act or something.
Naturally, I felt compelled to answer.
Short answer: They're more like house elves than LOTR elves. They work there because they like it.
Longer answer: You can get into the gaelic mythology about how if the elves like you they can come clean your house, repair shoes, do woodwork, etc. in exchange for a plate of milk.
Hippie answer: Santa has a big commune in the far north where they all eat together, live together, and all work for the common good.
Cruel answer: Santa has an assistant known as the Krampus. While Santa gives toys to the good boys and girls the Krampus stuffs the bad ones in a sack and takes them away. Those aren't elves. They're bad children.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
drinking in space
Without gravity pulling it down liquids will drift around and get into electronics and things. The surface tension pulls it into drifting globs of fluid.
I'm going to start with a water balloon being popped on a Vomit Comet. That's an empty 747 that flies really high and then drops over and over again. This allows for 90 second simulations of zero gravity without the expense of going into space. Then they have to try to grab it in a bag before the gravity takes effect again.
Again in a Vomit Comet. They're adding blue liquid to red to see how they interact.
Normally they'll have a bag of liquid with a straw to drink from. But it's also fun to put globs of liquid in the air and drink them.
You can use chopsticks to grab the liquid and drink it.
In that last video you may have noticed a can of something on the table. That's honey. Notice how the honey clings to the side and the bottom of the can. That gives you some idea how this new cup idea works.
There are times when you just want a proper cup to drink from. It just doesn't feel right doing a toast and raising a bag.
Further study in fluid dynamics can be seen in the Saturday Morning Science collection at The first 30 minutes elaborate on how fluids behave in the absence of gravity. There are some other sweet demonstrations in the last 17 minutes. I particularly like how they use CD players as gyroscopes.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The Tale of the Water Heater
I started trying to drain the tank around 8 P.M. Sunday night. But the water wasn't running out the hose. I opened up the hot water taps around the house to let the air in but that didn't help. I put a bucket under the pressure release valve and got water out of there but not terribly fast. I used a snake on the hose but that wasn't the source of the problem at all.
I continued taking water from the pressure release valve and messing with the spigot for an hour or so. The water just wasn't coming from the spigot at more than a dribble. I continued dumping bucket after bucket from the pressure release until 4:30 in the morning when it finally stopped. I'd say I drained at least 35 of the 50 gallons that way.
Eric showed up at 9:00 just like he said. He saw my issue with the spigot, unscrewed the knob from the spigot (I didn't have the guts for that), jammed a screwdriver up there, and wiggled it around. Calcium buildup and water started coming out so he put the knob back on. Water came out of the hose but not fast. We let that sit while the furnace guy messed around out front. After an couple of hours they came up to tell me that the wrong adapter was sent. They can get one but they'll have to hit several places, none of which close, and there's no way they'd get the work done today.
Eric refilled the water tank, cleared the air from the pipes, and flushed out that crud that always appears when you do this stuff. He also tried to clear more of the calcium so that the tank would drain easier in the future. When he came upstairs it looked like he'd been spackled. Calcium bits had been blown clear across the first floor. Eric did clean that up. I didn't see the stuff on the TV screen until later. Mom says I'll still be finding that stuff when I move out.
So we'll reschedule this and try again soon. The more paychecks I have in the bank when I have to pay up the happier I am.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Home improvements: The Kitchen
I did my own inspection. Generally that's a bad idea, but I knew what I was looking for. Alas, none of it could be seen because everything that should be seen was sealed up. I'd have had to take a crowbar and sledgehammer to find out what I wanted to know. Professional inspectors who have come in since tell me that had I paid an inspector in the first place I would have wasted my money.
I started this blog just before I had the whole back wall torn out and replaced along with a bathroom that really should have dropped through my kitchen ceiling. I've been using it to document the repairs and replacements. It's covered the reconstruction of a common wall in what I'm now calling my library. I've told about replacing the floor and ripping out the ceiling in that room. There are pictures of me putting in a hatch to the space above my bedroom and building an attic up there.
What I did yesterday is very minor but it's leading to something huge. I replaced the garbage disposal. Actually, I wanted to get rid of the old one and just go to old fashioned pipes. But that would have required some major renovations to the bottom of the sink so I just bought a new one and swapped them out. The plumbing, the wiring, that was nothing compared to just being able to do it in the confined space.
I should also mention that I'd been putting this off for months and that only a very persistent girlfriend got me to do this now.
There's a hose that runs from the garbage disposal to the back of the sink. It's allows airflow and it's where crud goes when I have to take a plunger to the sink. There's another hose that runs from that same vent to the underside of the dishwasher. That hose smells awful. It also wasn't attached very securely. Nope, sorry, no tale of filthy water running all over my face. We just wanted to know where it goes and if anything was wrong.
The dishwasher wasn't properly installed. No big surprise. They'd failed to give it an electrical cord. They did come back and fix it, but didn't screw it back into place. So it pulled right out. The wall behind the dishwasher was mangled. Debris everywhere. Knocking and a follow up stud finder show that the wall wasn't built properly. Plus there's a cold draft coming in there. The wall needs more than that hole patched. It needs to be replaced. I've already had one cabinet fall off the wall because it wasn't attached to any studs but just screwed to the Sheetrock. These clearly weren't installed right but they do appear to be attached to something. Not much, but something. This hole is letting in not just cold air, but mice, too.
I'm feeling inclined to lose the dishwasher since it's only been used 4 or 5 times in the last 4 years. The counter isn't attached to that flawed wall. It'd be so easy to just gut the kitchen. Yanking the ceiling is already in the plans. That wall needs to be brought up to code. The only question is whether I do it or whether I hire someone to do it.
As you're reading this there's a team of people in my kitchen gutting and rebuilding my utility closet. The furnace, that was failing last winter, and the hot water tank, that's been flipping breakers and limit switches lately, are both getting replaced. Ducts are being put in. Then I can finish putting down the library floor and get that sealed. Then Yummy can paint that room. Yummy loves to paint.
The point being my bank account is hurting. Once it recovers by a lot it will be used to fix up the kitchen. More counter space for sure. And with that space my first microwave since I moved to DC. Walls all up to code. Properly installed cabinets. That induction range top that I've been wanting for years. The ceiling will be covered with translucent plastic and ropes of LEDs put up there so the whole ceiling will glow. And maybe even an itty-bitty dishwasher that will actually support a one-two person house.
Yummy was wondering why I have plexiglass behind one of my book cases. I think it should be used to seal that hole behind the dishwasher.