Sorry, it's been one of those mornings.
The 20th anniversary of this department is this year so the boss lady wants to have a party next month. She wants the carpets cleaned and today is the one and only day that this is gonna happen.
At the same time we're trying to get another medical book off to the printers today before we all start doing Thanksgiving stuff.
These alone I could do. But the old boss has been working on this war atlas that should have been done a year and a half ago. He comes in for a week or two every other month or so. He was supposed to leave yesterday morning but the new boss wanted him to stay and talk about something. So he's still occupying the place where the cleaners NEED to start. We can't get his stuff off the ground. I told him flat out that he needs to go. He's still asking me to do mindless little tasks that any two year old could do.
"Burn this disk."
"Print these files for me."
I told him to print his own files. He's an idiot but I know he can do that. I told him I'm busy trying to do stuff for the person really in charge. Stuff that must be done today or not at all. He screams at me and tells me that I don't set the schedule. I told him he's right. "I don't set it, you don't set it, she doesn't set it, the cleaning staff sets it. They're here now or never and YOU'RE in the way."
Boss lady was right there and didn't say a damn thing either way.
sigh - the test pattern above means I'll be away for the next week. American Thanksgiving holiday and all that. I'll be back on Monday the 26th.
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