Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Movie Review: The Simpsons

I wasn't expecting much out of this movie. Twenty years of "The Simpsons" and the show slowly gets lamer. I mean when it's funny it's really funny, but when it's not it's just that cartoon that comes before "Family Guy". It's not just that I'm getting older either. When I watch episodes from seasons one and two I still think it was hilarious.

What I failed to account for is that this isn't a cartoon that they made into a movie 30 years after the cartoon was canceled. No, this is a case of them having twenty years worth of "We can't use that now, hold it for the movie."

Each half hour of this movie is head and shoulders above any half hour of the TV show. I've talked to only one person who didn't think it was that funny. From what I've been able to gather it's because she's stuck with a DC public school education so she can't read very well or very fast. Enough of the humor involves signs and require reading that if you're not prone to reading you're gonna miss a lot of the movie.

I'm really glad I saw this, but I'm having trouble justifying buying it. I laughed a lot, but I can't see myself popping it in to watch over and over.

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