Monday, July 02, 2007

Movie Review: Ratatouille

"Ratatouille" is the latest Pixar production. Sure, Disney "bought" Pixar but if you look at the deal you see that Disney paid Pixar to take them over. So I'm not gonna call the animation group Disney/Pixar. Disney can't make cartoons for shit. Pixar can. That's why Disney had them take over their animation.

Anyway, "Ratatouille" is a "Cyrano de Bergerac" themed movie. In "Cyrano..." some guy who can't talk to women gets someone with a big nose and a poetic mind to feed him lines to win some woman's heart. In "Ratatouille" some guy who can't cook gets a rat with a big nose who is a wonderful chef to help him cook in order to keep his job.

Much like with their last work, "Cars", the trailer looked kinda lame but the movie itself was pretty good. See, it's Pixar. They understand that the important thing in making a movie is to start with a good story. They refuse to make Toy Story 3 until they see a story that isn't crap. Disney was gonna do it themselves no matter how bad, until the takeover.

Not convinced? "Ratatouille" was written by Brad Bird. He's the same guy who wrote and directed "The Incredibles" and "The Iron Giant". The guy knows what he's doing.

The short animation before the movie was a triple play of comedy. 1) An alien abduction, 2) by an incompetent alien, 3) who is taking his drivers test. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Definately go see this movie. I will be getting it on DVD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you catch the Wilhelm scream at the end of the short?