Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Paper sculpture

I've been poking at this site.
It's the site for a guy who calls himself a mathematical sculptor.

At the bottom of the page are predrawn cards to cut out. I put together the first sculpture.

Then I fed it to Gandolf.

It can be done with standard printer paper. I did. But you'll have to get about 1/3 done before it starts holding it's own structure.


BrianAlt said...

Well done. Good thing you got a pic before Gandalf did his thing.

lacochran said...

Why would you feed a bird paper?

Ibid said...

Birds love puzzles. Even more than that, they love to destroy.
They'll untie knots, unbraid ropes, and shred paper. One of the first phrases Gandolf learned was "don't eat the book". She's even scolded Bixby a time or two when she thought Bixby was eyeballing a book.

GreenCanary said...

I have to give it to him, the bird does love to rip apart paper. I'm not sure if she eats it, though. I see her chewing, but I think it's more for the sensation of rolling the paper wad around in her beak than for eating it.

P.S. Word verification? MEALE. I kid you not.