Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Movie Review: Super Size Me

My boss loaned me "Super Size Me" on DVD. I'm guessing it's because whenever someone in the office asks me if I want to go to the Burger King on base I have to make snide comments.

I liked about 1/3 of the movie. Those were the parts covering the guy's experiment.

Hold on, we're all clear that "Super Size Me" is a documentary about a guy who ate nothing but McDonalds food three meals a day for a whole month, right? Good.

Anyway, I liked the experiment but the rest of the movie seemed like health class all over again.

It made a few things clear. I have to drive back to Kansas these days instead of flying back. That means eating road food. I refuse to eat at McDonalds or Burger King. Not because I'm concerned about my health, but because their stuff is awful. I'm a hamburger connoisseur. I know good hamburgers. The Whopper tastes like the crap hamburgers they served in the college cafeteria. McDonalds aspires to be only that bad. Their french fries are like greased shoelaces. I can't figure how anyone can prefer them to Wendy's. McDonalds and Burger King are at least consistent. Wendy's quality varies not just from store to store but also based on who the manager is when you show up.

Ok, the point I was going for is that over the course of my trip I'll probably stop at a Wendy's and an Arby's. I'm feeling pretty miserable by the end of my trip and feeling some after effects for a few days. I thought it was just the fact that I've been driving for twenty one hours. That probably helps. But from the symptoms the guy in the film was suffering I'm pretty sure that hitting two fast food joints plus a few Qwik-E-Marts along the way has a lot more to do with it.

For my next trip home I'll try to make a sandwich or five before I leave home. And I'll probably have eaten them all before I hit the beltway.

Anyway, if you haven't seen "Super Size Me" yet you should. Don't buy it unless you want to pass it around to your friends. But see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally got around to seeing Super Size Me; i was impressed by Morgan Spurlock's insight as his movie gets into not only the physical but also the social effects of consuming fast food