Carpeted stage + sudden braking = comedy
A guy give a shout out to the previous owner of his AD&D manual. [link]
Why don't we find turkey eggs in stores? [link]
Dr Who Christmas Special trailer - The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe. [link]
"Rampage: The Movie" - great potential to be awful or awesome. I put my money on it never being finished. [link]
Showing off in Skyrim.
How to report a Cthulhu infestation.
The unaired 1994 pilot for "24". [link]
Why Obama still matters. [link]
When the new "Arrested Development" episodes come out they'll air on Netflix. [link]
What we know so far about the Adderall shortage. [link]
As far as that goes, why the hell can't I get any Benadryl anymore? [link]
And why can't students at Fordham University get birth control? Because the Pope is a dick. [link]
If the humans die off the octopi and squid will eventually take over.
Muslim vs muslim culture clash. NSFW picture at the end of the article. [link]
Pictures of personal flying machines. [link]
NYPD got a high resolution panoramic camera for crime scenes. Here's a few of their pictures. [link]
Leonardo da Vinci and my first cousin once removed both carried around sketchbooks. [link]
Picture: lightning bunny. [link]
Much of this article about Edison and Westinghouse is old news, but scroll down to the bit about the first execution by electrocution. [link]
Quick comparison of iPhone and Android sales, profits, and market share. [link]
What is the PROTECT IP Act? [link]
If you give an engineer a lathe - The making of a teeny V-12 engine.
Brian Blessed alarm clock app for iPhone.
The use of pepper spray on protesters has resulted in interesting reviews for that stuff on Amazon. [link]
Think it's due to this guy? [link]
South Korea prison getting robotic guards. [link]
When the machines rise up it'll be in either Japan or South Korea. While the rest of the world fights the machines North Korea won't even realize there's anything wrong.
What have The Muppets been up to since their last movie? [link]
I want this coat. Just to wear around and scare people. [link]
Matter and energy can't be created or destroyed. It can only change forms. Until now. [link]
On my drive to Kansas I saw more dead deer on the road than prairie gators (thrown tire treads on the side of the road). But I hadn't realized there's so many that they've had to start running into people. [link]
To do when next in Pittsburgh. [link]
US Patent office shows off invention models. [link]
How the new Muppet movie originally ended. [link]
QI: How many balls are in the jar?
Half-Life: Origins
Alan Moore talks about the Guy Fawkes masks based on his "V for Vendetta" creation and their now popular use in activist groups. [link]
Tiny models of crime scenes. [link]
"Unfortunately, we at find ourselves unable to recommend this lovely item to you as the price appears to be either a misprint or a satire." [link]
A squirrel impersonating a Star Trek communicator. I laughed more than it deserved.
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