Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Sabre tooth Jesus

You may have noticed, it was Easter recently. I refrained from my usual historical analysis of the holiday. I made no "zombie messiah" comments. I didn't get into any of the issues related to a diety that had to sacrifice himself to himself to protect his creation from himself.

I was reading something Jesus related that used the word "wholly" very close to his name. It's a very strange word by itself. You say something is a "wholly owned subsidiary" and the word makes sense. Put it by itself and you just look at it weird.

That's probably why I read it as "woolly" instead of "wholly". As in "woolly mammoth". Suddenly, I'm thinking of Sabre Toothed Jesus. Hair all over, loincloth, unibrow, and two big honking tusks.

From The Sermon on the Rock.

Me Jees. Jees, güd. Bone club, güd. Only for food kill. No club people.

Only with a bit more of a lisp due to his massive dental problem

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