Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jury duty

It's kinda like a game show. A computer draws names at random. These people show up at a selected destination and wait in a big room. From the people in this room a group are selected to sit in another room with less comfortable seats. These people are interviewed one at a time over the course of several hours.

Then comes the big moment. Everyone gathers at the uncomfortable chairs at a set time. They sit for another hour and watch as groups of people in expensive suits huddle around tables and deliberate over how everyone answered their questions. The tension slowly builds as the time passes. From time to time the groups of suits stand and address the host. Everyone looks up and scoots forward. Then the suits sit back down and everyone relaxes.

Finally, the host steps up to the microphone. One by one he calls out numbers. If your number matches you step out of the crowd and get a comfy swivel chair with arms. The sad part is that the people who get the comfy chair are the losers of this game. They've been selected for JURY DUTY!!!

I lost at jury duty yesterday. I lost big. It's a malpractice case. The judge expects it to take fifteen days. This means at least three weeks, probably four, possibly five.


BrianAlt said...

Not fun, but strangely interesting!

Sweetly Single said...

BAHAHAHAHA why do I get the impression you are going to do a great Poly Shore impression

But seriously I feel for ya dude!

GreenCanary said...

Does this mean that I don't get to see you for 15 days? If you're sequestered, I'm going to abduct the birdies.

Ibid said...

Not being sequestered. Not working weekend and some fridays.