Monday, August 28, 2006

And all the children dance!

Pardon me while I have an AOL moment.


They're installing the toilet now. They can't reinstall the old sink so I'll be getting a pedestal sink (~$40). They'll also put in a full length cabinet in the area where the bathtub just vacated so I'll still be able to keep my Draino and whatnot up there.
They weren't planning on putting in a shower door. They just expected me to use a shower curtain. But I've never seen a shower with a shower curtain unless it was a bathtub with a shower. After some heming and hawing and many tape measure sounds they think they can get a shower door to fit.
Plus paint AND screwing the vent back up AND reattaching that light AND installing a showerhead and showerknob. It shouldn't take more than two days of work as long as everything is there.

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