Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday links: April 17

Demonstration of a gecko style climbing apparatus.

The conceptsearch also "animusic" videos

The application

AMC has made a lot of B-movies available for free. [link]

Cuttlefish eats an octopus

This robot only walks forward. But, there was a sign on it asking people for help to get to it's destination. People helped it navigate New York City. [link]

Two part radio clip of a chat between the host of the religious radio show and devout Athiest Christopher Hitchens. The host tries to play the "What if..." game that many religious types use to try to convince someone that they already believe in their god. Hitchens screws up their script. [link]

Standup comedy about "how does gay marriage effect you at all?"

We need more female Jedi.

Dunno if this guy's stuff works, but it looks awesome. Vacuum Tube based electronics. Click "Audio" to get to the cool stuff. [link]

Romeo and Juliet Taliban style. [link]

I might have to knock out the ceiling so I can get one of these bookshelves. [link]

9 minute poem about a thinking man having dinner with a believer in the supernatural and alternative medicine.

Using a rocket sled to slam into a car, ramming into a one-inch thick piece of plate metal behind it. 3 vids. [link]

George Bush denied permission for the press to take pictures of returning war dead. Some government pictures were eventually released but only after a lawsuit based on the Freedom of Information Act. Obama reversed that. Here are the first pictures taken by civilian personnel of war dead returning to America. Yes, there was this level of pomp even when the cameras weren't on.[link]

Web based synthesizer. Top to bottom is high to low tones. They're played left to right. [link]

Hackers talk about how they manipulated a Time online poll. [link]

A sign for your time machine. [link]
My only question is where to get Tungsten and how will I know that's what it is when I find it.

MacGyver theme using Star Wars footage. [link]

Ground squirrel detonation techniques. [link]

Atheist gets himself debaptised. [link]

I think the Christian extremists are trying to start something.

Egg dying tips. [link]

1 comment:

BrianAlt said...

I'd like to recommend a blog:

I think you'll like it.