Friday, February 04, 2011

Friday Links: February 4

The Comics Code Authority looks like it may be passing into history. This article talks about it's establishment and the demonization of comic books back in the '50s. [link]

Nightmare fuel. [link]

91 year old maker of spindles for stairs. [link]

Girl Scouts are cutting back on their cookie varieties. As long as I get my Samoas everyone gets to live. [link]

Dr Who fan service of the week:
Inflatable Dalek vehicle for kids. [link]

CSI: Gallifrey

In other sci-fi news, the show "Fringe" recently had Doc Brown playing a member of the defunct band "Violet Sedan Chair". They planted a record from the band in a store. It's been ripped and put online for general listening. [link]

Unique beer cup filling device.

One town that just cries for an earthquake. [link]

Bulletproof skin? How long until we get specially engineered space marines? [link]

A twisted time travel story. [link]

Destructive testing of a ski lift.

Sweet ring. [link]

This kid is a great actor. It's hard to convey those feelings without a face. With no face or voice?...

Patrick Stewart talks about his smart phone.

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