The first think people try is just taking their finger and drawing on a steamy mirror. This causes words to appear immediately. And, next time you take a shower you'll be able to see a ghost of the words on the mirror. Not much. Just a different pattern in some of the condensation. Completely invisible if you haven't put your glasses on yet.
To write a message properly you need soap.
Get the soap wet so a respectable amount will come off on your finger when you touch it.
Write the message you want on the mirror.
At this point the message is quite clear. Anyone can read it. You need to get the soap off of the mirror to keep it a surprise.
For my example I drew a heart on the mirror.

In my case, I wanted the heart filled.

You can tell in this picture that I didn't get the mirror fully cleaned. I could have spent more time on it, but I'm a lazy slob. Luckily my mirror always has spots and streaks on it.

Then, after my girlfriend had her shower, I had a mirror that looked like this.

thank you for this article, it's kinda cute, though.
If I wiped a mirror three times with window, over the course of a few weeks... could there possibly still be writing on it when it steams up? I got out of the shower today and there was a named and a partial message (another girl's name but couldn't read the rest). I always turn the fan off because I get cold, but this is the first time I've noticed any writing. It was pretty pronounced, enough to take a picture of. Has my boyfriend had another girl over since I moved in, or is it possible that its an old note? The bottom part was mostly wiped off, I cleaned it yesterday concentrating on the bottom.
This is one of a kind. Thanks for sharing this photos.
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