Recently some Conservative nut flew a plane into a Texas office building. Should he be considered a terrorist if treating him like a terrorist would only serve to make his paranoid delusions a reality? [link]
Honestly? I expect a lot more Tea Partiers to do similar stuff.
1 year old starved to death for failing to say "Amen". [link]
7 year old beaten to death for mispronouncing word. [link]
Meanwhile, back in the evidence based world, microscopic bubbles of primordial universe have been created in an atom smasher. In the octillionth of a second that it existed they got glimpses of why the universe formed favoring regular matter instead of equal quantities of matter and antimatter as it seems that should have happened. [link]
Watch the video. It helps.
Don't bring laptops into this guy's class.
A model of Herod's temple that has been 30 years in the making and is still under construction. [link]
Interview with the guy who created MacGyver. [link]
Another autotuned science song.
Teacher forced to apologize after having kid escorted from school for not saying the Pledge of Allegiance. [link]
Can you hear this sound? [link]
I can.
Article and samples from an awesome computerized classical music generator. [link]
Every teacher at a crap school was fired. [link]
There were other options before them, but the teachers wouldn't work on it. If they were good teachers to begin with there wouldn't be a problem.
Game...kinda. Adjust the positions, speeds, and masses of planets and set them loose. [link]
New analysis reasserts that video games lead to violent behavior... if you don't read to the end of articles. [link]
I would happily drive any of these old "cars of tomorrow" over what's on the road now. [link]
Tree branch meets electrical line.
A scene from Blade Runner done with CGI Legos.
Blade Runner - Tears in Rain (in LEGO) from Zach Macias on Vimeo.
Athiests as ethical as church goers. [link]
Really? Most studies show that Athiests are more ethical.

Airplane boneyard. [link]
I've seen this place mentioned before. I really wanna take a tour.
Looks like you can, but only in a bus tour from the nearby Pima Air & Space Museum. [link]
Great female bowler totally ignored. [link]
David Tennant's farewell speech to the crew of Dr Who.
"OK Go" music video featuring an impressive Rube Goldberg device. If you Google "Rube Goldberg" you'll find cartoons written by him. He always drew elaborate devices to do simple tasks. Thus, any elaborate device like this is named for him.
8 heroic dogs. [link]
Rep. Trent Franks (R) "Blacks better off under slavery". [link]
5 wrong things we're told about hemp. [link]
People given $100 to give away however they like. [link]
If you turn your head, I win.
Dice animation.
Fujiya & Miyagi- Ankle Injuries from Insound on Vimeo.
Google "recursion".
Now look at "39 rugdeveien bergen hordaland norge" in Google Street View.
Once you see the guys on the side of the road start going down the street to the right. Watch to see what the guys do.
You may have heard that the earthquake in Chile changed the speed of Earth's orbit. Here's a better explanation. [link]
A quick question for Deepak Chopra. [link]
I think After looks more natural than Before. [link]
Pain. [link]
John Scalzi talks about borrowing a friend's Oscar. [link]
Wife: Where’d you put the phone bill?
Scalzi: I dunno. Did you check under the Oscar?
Ants eat a gecko.
Unique video of the rare giant stinky flower in bloom.
I'd heard the story about what was happening at this aquarium. Now there's a video.
That deaf, dumb, blind, and quadripelegic kid sure plays a mean pinball.
Great camera. [link]
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