Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Pepsi Throwback

I was recently reading one of the many online comics that I frequent and found out about a product called Pepsi Throwback. Further research indicated that Pepsi Co. is releasing a special version of Pepsi and Mountain Dew that uses sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.

Normally I would have found it interesting and kept a lookout for some. But Yummy recently went to Spain and raved about the Coke over there. See, they still use sugar in their recipe. In fact, there are people who import Coke and Pepsi and other such beverages from Mexico because it's the same recipe (or damn close) to what is in the Throwback recipes.

So, Sunday night we stop off to get some supplies since I'm coming down with a cold. We found Pepsi Throwback and got a couple of bottles.

Yummy liked it a lot.

I had to let the fizz die down a bit. It overwhelmed the flavor at first. But then it settles down and the flavor starts to come out. It is different. Not sure how to describe it. Good. Sure. Better than regular Pepsi I think.

Anyway, just keep an eye out. I'd like it if it did well enough to stick around.

1 comment:

Sweetly Single said...

That is an awesome trend that I hope keeps going... the more natural the ingredients the better.

Now if only they would use Canada as a test market.