Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Links

Laptop issues continue, but here's something.

Cartoon documentary about Washington's medical marijuana. [link]

The instrumentation that's been picked for the Europa probe. [link]

That time NBC funded a breach of the Berlin Wall. [link]

Source of weird radio station found. [link]

Robot dog/cheetah/horse can now jump. And operate off the leash.

Real Viking helmet found. It's short on horns. [link]

I mentioned the iron snail before. Here's more. [link]

I want these cats as strays in my neighborhood. [link]

The Wizard of Oz with They Might Be Giants as the soundtrack.

Clips from the DARPA Robot Challenge narrated by WWE announcers.

100 year old chalkboard discovered. It proves Oklahoma didn't know how to do math back then, either. [link]

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